sacred rocks

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  • Sanctuary of Apollo Delphi, Greece

    Home to the famous Oracle of Delphi, this mountain sanctuary was the holiest site in Ancient Greece. It was believed to be the center of the world, marked by the sacred Omphalos stone.

  • Uluru Petermann, NT, Australia

    A massive sandstone rock in central Australia, sacred to the native Anangu people.

  • Fuerte de Samaipata Samaipata, Bolivia

    A unique archaeological site in the mountains of central Bolivia, El Fuerte de Samaipata is a stone hill carved with a wide variety of animal and geometric figures.

  • Ka'ba

    The Ka'ba is believed to have been built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Enshrining a sacred stone, it is said to be first place on earth that was created. It is the directional focus of Muslim prayers worldwide.

  • High Place of Sacrifice Petra, Jordan

    This is one of the most accessible high points in Petra. Here a platform served as a venue for religious ceremonies and an altar held sacrifices of incense, libations - and perhaps children.

  • Externsteine Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany

    A mysterious and magical place, Externsteine is a rock formation in a German forest. It was a pagan sacred site until Charlemagne outlawed paganism in 782, after which it was occupied by Christian hermits.

  • Superstition Mountain

    This mysterious volcanic rock formation in Arizona is the subject of many Native American legends and contains ancient hieroglyphs.

  • Badlands South Dakota

    This evocative landscape of land formations populated with buffalo has been revered by Native Americans for centuries. It is now a National Park.

  • Inca Ruins Bolivia

    The largest of the 41 islands in Lake Titicaca (but still just 5.5 miles long), Isla del Sol was believed to be the home of the Inca sun god.